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Coopérative Cargo

Universal and Open-source bicycle add-on
2023-2024, thanks to ADAGP's support

Winner of the"Dynamo!" grant in 2023, funded by ADAGP, Coopérative cargo is an add-on transforming any bike into a cargo.

Technical plansare available for downloadon this page. It's distributed under Creative Commons licence (CC-by-SA-4.0)
which means anyone can download in order to build an add-on,wether for personnal or commercial use.
The only mandatory is to credititsauthor (Romain Thouin), giving a link to hiw website or his page on any social network such as instagram, facebook, etc..)

You'll also find on this page prototypes constructed thanks to the "Dynamo!" grant by the following craftmens:
Botch cargo bikes, Miel d'Ours, Bumpak, Stolen Garage, Terril and Manufacture Trichereau

Each of them reinterpreted either plate, fork, or machined inserts.
the reinterpretation was free of constraints. Some of them chose to give mores pecific or daily uses
while some preferred to work on a rational riveted version.

Photo credits: Romain Thouin